Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pay it Forward,

Pass it Forward,
I'm LoLyn Fetzer @

Growing Together Counseling and Education
In North Orem, Utah 84-97

'to acquire the colorful original of the doc,
to pay forward to your friends and family;
please email me mailto:growingtogethercounseling@comcast.net

and you can feel happy
paying it forward
to your friends and family
by introducing them to my blogs.

I'm not selling anything.

I am giving it all to the world, passing it forward
and only people with email who pass it along can make that happen.

20 years ago

I was blessed with a return to life in order.
According to the blessing, I was commissioned to
share my poetry, my stories and my counseling.

I am trying to do that in the right way.
Read: Guardian Angel,
in the story section of the blogs.

(It’s in four pieces, go oldest to newest)

You can read

my poems; funny, spiritual, family,

children's stories, teen stories,
2 LDS romance novelettes that I have written
over lo, these many decades,
a section of stories I've collected
which my family has sent me
just funny stuff to make you smile;
a section of stories I've collected
which my family has sent me

counseling and NLP advice

and there will be more on

cognitive therapy, RET, NLP, and,

when I figure it out,

I will blog photos of my family which you don't even have to look at.

I will also be putting all my genealogy
from New Mexico to 1600 colonists in Santa Fe New Mexico,
back to 1200 possible in Spain; Cabeza de Vaca;
to George Jacobs I who was hung for witchcraft in
Salem Massachusetts about 1680;
his descendants spread
throughout the north east and Midwest,
to Texas,
Arizona to Concho Glenn Trading Post in
Concho Arizona,
near St. Johns, AZ.
Even my three volume historical novels will be in there!
Turn the Hearts of the Children

Pass this along to all your email friends,

families and acquaintance

or else

they won't get The Rainbows of My Heart,

and they will miss out

on some very inspired writing.

Thank you, again.


OR go to my website http://www.growingtogether.com